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Fimmtudagurinn 6. júní 2024 kl. 19:59
Flokkur: Spjaldið

The Crumpueleons are from the planet Crumpueleon. They attack the Space Station 17 of the Milky Way Galaxy. Crumpueleon is positioned in the Space Galaxy Beta3. Rogers Roger Johnstoné at Space Station 17 is at a loss as the Crumpueleons have switched on the Space Explosion Ray.

As the alarm blared through the corridors of Space Station 17, Johnstoné knew time was running out. He quickly accessed the station's defense system and initiated the emergency protocol. The explosion ray, a fearsome weapon capable of obliterating entire planets, began to power up, its ominous hum reverberating through the station.

"All hands to battle stations!" Johnstoné's voice echoed through the intercom. Scientists, engineers, and soldiers scrambled to their positions. The space station’s shields were raised to maximum, but Johnstoné knew they wouldn’t hold for long against the Crumpueleons' advanced technology.

"Sir, the ray will be fully charged in five minutes," reported Lieutenant Harris, sweat beading on his forehead. "We need to find a way to disable it."

Johnstoné nodded, his mind racing. He remembered the intel they had gathered on the Crumpueleons. Their technology, though advanced, had one weakness: it was highly susceptible to electromagnetic pulses.

"Lieutenant, get the EMP generators ready. We’ll need to time this perfectly. One shot, or it’s all over."

"Yes, sir!" Harris rushed off to prepare the EMP.

Meanwhile, Johnstoné pulled up a schematic of the Crumpueleon ship. The Explosion Ray was powered by a core located in the ship's central nexus. A direct hit from an EMP could disable it, but getting close enough would be a challenge.

"Ensign Lee, plot a course to intercept the Crumpueleon vessel. We need to get within firing range for the EMP."

"Aye, Captain!" Lee’s fingers flew over the console, the station shuddering as it maneuvered into position.

The Crumpueleon ship loomed large on the view screen, its dark, menacing form a stark contrast against the backdrop of stars. Johnstoné took a deep breath. This was it.

"EMP ready, sir," Harris reported.

"On my mark," Johnstoné said, his eyes fixed on the countdown timer. "Three... two... one... mark!"

The space station fired the EMP, a pulse of energy racing towards the Crumpueleon ship. For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Then, the ship was engulfed in a brilliant flash of light.

"Direct hit!" Harris shouted. "The Explosion Ray is offline!"

A cheer went up from the crew, but Johnstoné knew the battle wasn't over. "Status report," he ordered.

"The Crumpueleon ship is disabled, but they’re powering up auxiliary systems," Harris said. "They’re not done yet."

"Prepare boarding parties," Johnstoné commanded. "We need to take control of that ship and ensure they can’t threaten us again."

As the boarding pods launched towards the Crumpueleon vessel, Johnstoné felt a surge of determination. The Crumpueleons had underestimated them, and now they would pay the price.

The battle for Space Station 17 was far from over, but for the first time, Johnstoné felt a glimmer of hope. They would defend their home, no matter the cost.
Vesen 2009